Home Child Care Providers
Home Child Care Services Agency in Scarborough
When a Home Child Care Provider joins our Agency, they are under the licensed umbrella of our organization. They are committed to maintaining a service that meets legislative requirements under the Child Care and Early Years Act, criteria set by Toronto Children’s Services’ Home Child Care Assessment for Quality Improvement and Agency Policies and Procedures.
Home child care providers in our Agency attend pre-service and on-going training on child care related topics such as, child development, health and safety, curriculum design and behaviour guidance.
The benefits of home child care with our agency:
We refer parents to your program
We assist with advertising and promoting your business
The agency collects all fees and guarantees regular payment.
Your program will be affiliated with a licensed agency
You will be eligible for provincial grants
Ongoing professional support including home visits, safety consultations, helping you set up your home, parent interviews and documentation
Access to training and development in topics related to child development, nutrition, health, program and behaviour guidance
Option to access equipment lending library at a minimal annual fee
No administrative fee - 100% child care fees collected go directly to the provider
Resources from the agency are one phone call away. Agency staff are experienced RECEs and are ready to provide one on one support.
Providers are eligible to work with subsidized clients
Interested in learning more? Heritage hosts information sessions:
Every second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am
Every fourth Thursday of the month at 2:00 pm
Call us at (416) 754-8814, if interested. Please feel free to fill out the questionnaire linked below and send the completed form to info@heritagechildcare.ca.